Laser Diodes - Prophotonix

705nm to 940nm high quality laser diodes

Infrared IR Laser Diodes

ProPhotonix is a laser diode integrator as well as a distributor with more than two decades of experience in laser diode technology. This unique position means that ProPhotonix is well-positioned to provide you with any technical support you may require in selecting the optimum laser diode for your application. Our well-established relationships with laser diode manufacturers allow us to offer the latest in laser diode technology as well as excellent value.

See the table below for our full range of IR laser diodes and download relevant datasheets.

IR Laser Diodes


ProPhotonix offers a wide range of infrared IR laser diodes from a number of high-quality laser diode manufacturers including Ushio, QSI and Ondax. IR laser diodes are available from 705nm to 905nm and with power levels from 5mW up to 75W. A variety of packages and pin configurations are available to best suit your application requirements.

Part Number Wavelength (nm) Power (mW) Package (mm) Max Operating Temp (°C) Pin Configuration Manufacturer Download datasheet

Wavelength (nm): 700

Power (mW): 210

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 75

700 210 5.6 75 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 705

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

705 50 5.6 60 1N Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 705

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

705 50 5.6 60 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 705

Power (mW): 210

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): —

705 210 5.6 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 730

Power (mW): 40

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

730 40 5.6 60 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 730

Power (mW): 40

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

730 40 5.6 60 1N Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 5 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 5 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 5 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 10 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 10 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 10 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 10 5.6 80 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 10 5.6 80 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 25

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 25 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 25

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 25 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 25

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 25 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 30

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 30 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 30

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 30 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 30

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 30 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 50 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 50 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

780 50 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 60

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 60 5.6 80 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 60

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 60 5.6 80 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 80

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 40

780 80 5.6 40 LD Only Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 90

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 90 5.6 80 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 90

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 90 5.6 80 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 780

Power (mW): 90

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 80

780 90 5.6 80 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 785

Power (mW): 80

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 50

785 80 5.6 50 1N Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 785

Power (mW): 100

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 40

785 100 5.6 40 LD Only Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 785

Power (mW): 500

Package (mm): 9

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 50

785 500 9 50 LD Only Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 785

Power (mW): 600

Package (mm): N/A

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: N/A

Max Operating Temp (°C): 40

785 600 N/A 40 N/A Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 787

Power (mW): 80

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 50

787 80 5.6 50 1N Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 808

Power (mW): 1

Package (mm): 9

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 40

808 1 9 40 LD Only QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 808

Power (mW): 170

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 50

808 170 5.6 50 1N Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 808

Power (mW): 500

Package (mm): 9

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 40

808 500 9 40 LD Only QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 20

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 20 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 20

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 20 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 20

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 20 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 50 5.6 60 1N Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 50 5.6 60 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 100

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 100 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 100

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 100 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 100

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

830 100 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 830

Power (mW): 500

Package (mm): 9

Manufacturer: Ondax

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 50

830 500 9 50 LD Only Ondax file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 5 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 5 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 5

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 5 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 10 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 10 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 10 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 40

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 40 5.6 60 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 40

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 40 5.6 60 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 40

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

850 40 5.6 60 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 850

Power (mW): 260

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 75

850 260 5.6 75 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 852

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

852 50 5.6 60 3P Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 852

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: Ushio

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

852 50 5.6 60 1N Ushio file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 3P

Max Operating Temp (°C): 70

905 10 5.6 70 3P QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 2M

Max Operating Temp (°C): 70

905 10 5.6 70 2M QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 10

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: 1N

Max Operating Temp (°C): 70

905 10 5.6 70 1N QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 25000

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 85

905 25000 5.6 85 LD Only QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 50000

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 85

905 50000 5.6 85 LD Only QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 905

Power (mW): 75000

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: LD Only

Max Operating Temp (°C): 85

905 75000 5.6 85 LD Only QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 940

Power (mW): 50

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: —

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

940 50 5.6 60 QSI file link

Wavelength (nm): 940

Power (mW): 200

Package (mm): 5.6

Manufacturer: QSI

Pin Configuration: —

Max Operating Temp (°C): 60

940 200 5.6 60 QSI file link

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Bernhard Russell

Inside Sales

Andrea Gregorio

Inside Sales

25 Years of Laser Diode Expertise

As both a laser diode supplier and integrator for more than 25 years, ProPhotonix has unique expertise to support you in your application.

Laser Diodes Available from Stock

ProPhotonix offers a wide range of laser diodes available from stock for immediate shipping.

Expert Technical Support

Providing knowledgeable technical support on laser diode specification to optimize your application as well as advice on other elements of your system.

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