Direct-Emission Green Laser Diodes Emitting Wavelengths From 510 to 520 nm

ProPhotonix offers a range of Green Laser Diodes at 515nm and 520nm with power levels up to 100mW.  A variety of packages are available to suit your application needs. This post looks at ProPhotonix’ range of Green Laser Diodes, key specification, and suitable applications.

Green Laser Diodes Key Features

  • Wavelengths [nanometres (“nm”)]: 515nm, 520nm
  • Output Power [milliwatt (“mW”)]: 10mW – 100mW (or 140mW in pulsed mode)
  • Highly Reliable
  • Package [millimetre (“mm”)]: 3.8mm, 5.6mm
  • Operating Temp: 60°C
  • Pin Configuration: 2M or LD Only

Green Laser DiodesThese Green Laser Diodes are manufactured by OSRAM, a company renowned for its innovation and focus on quality. Output powers range from 10mW up to 100mW (or 140mW in pulsed mode) and wavelengths at 515nm and 520nm. Direct emission green laser diodes can easily be built into laser diode modules by ProPhotonix.


Osram Green Laser Diodes offer high reliability and long lifetimes. Osram Laser Diodes are extremely compact and highly efficient laser diodes offering low beam divergence, long lifetime and excellent stability across a broad temperature range. Two package options are available at 3.8mm and 5.6mm. The Green Laser Diodes operate at a range of operating temperatures up to a maximum of 60°C.

Green Laser Diodes Competitive Advantage

Direct emission Green Laser Diodes offer distinct commercial and technical benefits over traditional DPSS green laser diodes and other alternatives in terms of beam quality, efficiency, stability and lifetime.

The Osram Green Laser Diodes allow system designers options to regulate the power, without the need for active temperature control. The green diodes are available with single transverse mode with near-Gaussian beam profiles, a key requirement for many projections and industrial alignment applications.

Green Laser Diodes Applications

Green Laser Diodes are ideal for a wide variety of applications including alignment and targeting for medical, industrial and defense markets. Industrial alignment, patient positioning, laser pointer, and light scattering applications will benefit from the specifications of these laser diodes. They are also ideally suited for use in pico-projector and other display applications.

Key Applications

  • Alignment and Targeting for Medical
  • Defense Markets
  • Laser Pointers
  • Light Scattering
Green Laser Diodes in Medical Equipment

Why Choose ProPhotonix’ Green Laser Diodes

With more than 20 years’ experience as both a supplier and an integrator of laser diodes, ProPhotonix has the expertise to help you in selecting the right laser diode for your specific application.

Our relationships with laser diode manufacturers give us access to the latest in laser diode technology and ensure that we can deliver excellent value to you. In addition to distributing laser diodes, we use them in manufacturing our own laser modules.

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