A Sustainable Technology to Meet a Global Challenge

UVC LED Water Disinfection Systems

Currently, mercury lamps are most commonly used in UVC water disinfection. These lamps have a number of limitations including electrical inefficiency due to significant heat generation and environmental concerns such as high ozone emissions.

UVC LEDs are robust, compact and offer more precise control of output. Unlike the mercury based alternative they have lower operational costs as they are more energy efficient. Moreover, they are able to provide UVC at specific wavelengths, increasing their utility for specific water treatments. Due to their compactness, multiple LED wavelengths can be combined into a single lamp to induce multiple inactivation mechanisms.


UVC LED Water Disinfection Applications

In the water disinfection market, growing local and global environmental legislation as well as heightened interest in environmental issues has led to more private sector R&D investment focused on the development of highly efficient water treatment and disinfection processes.

Recently, energy efficient UVC LED technology has led to the development of novel UVC LED reactor designs for the removal of wastewater pollutants, including emerging contaminants, antibiotic resistance bacterial genes, and pathogens. The flexibility of LEDs allows them to be designed into relatively small domestic settings, into commercial units and most recently industrial scale systems.

ProPhotonix Custom UVC LED Solutions

ProPhotonix provides a UVC LED product and service offering. Our UVC LED based COBRA Clean FX1 product is designed as an evaluation lamp primarily to help R&D and industrial labs evaluate UVC LEDs in a fully integrated product taking advantage of optimized heat sinking, active cooling and linear control of intensity.

Our service offering is based on our core business of partnering with OEMs to deliver high-quality, reliable UVC based LED solutions to maximize our partners system performance. We design a UVC LED product to optimize your system performance and once validated, manufacture at volume for our partners.

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Commitment to Research, development and Innovation

ProPhotonix is an active partner in the  REWATERGY  consortium that  was  awarded  an  EU  Horizon  2020  grant  to  develop  innovative  reactor  solutions  for  disinfection  of  water  in  domestic  and  large  scale  markets  utilizing  UVA  and  UVC  based  LED  technologies. The  consortium  comprises  three  universities;  University  of  Cambridge  (UK),  Rey  Juan  Carlos  University  (Spain)  and  Ulster  University  (UK)  as  well  as  two  other  partner companies; Delft IMP (Netherlands) a designer and manufacturer of nanostructured catalysis materials and FCC Aqualia (Spain), a global water management company, who offer collection, purification, distribution, and treatment of the water collected from the natural environment. ProPhotonix’s role in the project is to deliver a number of UVA and UVC LED based systems for these applications.

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Bernhard Russell

Inside Sales

Andrea Gregorio

Inside Sales

LED Expertise

With more than 25 years of experience, ProPhotonix has the expertise to balance wavelength, reliability and lifetime requirements to optimize your application.

Full Solution Provider

An experienced design team will take you from concept to completion, working within your budget, timelines, and performance requirements.

Partnership Approach

We work in partnership with our customers developing long term relationships and progressive generations of products with responsive technical & customer support throughout.


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